Getintent case study | How to improve CTR and VCR with DCO and geo triggers

Dynamic creative optimization for a video campaign

Learn how retargeting video campaigns with dynamic creative optimization helped to drive more registrations for an e-commerce website


US-based advertising agency



Drive more registrations for an e-commerce website



Retargeting video campaigns with dynamic creative optimization. Getintent built a video creative using static images with automatic optimization based on client’s data feed.



Retargeting video campaigns with dynamic creative optimization. Getintent built a video creative using static images with automatic optimization based on client’s data feed.



    17% more registrations compared to standard creative retargeting

    Client’s feedback

    First of all, we were impressed by the quality of the video creative. It looked like a real video, but was made with static images only. Secondly, some elements of the creatives were changing based on our feed data, which improved CR by 17%.